First glimpse of Ipswich


     Daylight savings began here this morning.   And so did spring!   It was a lovely light sweater day.  Yesterday was the Saturday street market in  front of the Town Hall.  Today we went exploring Chirstchurch Park and the shops of High Street.  This evening Mary cooked up a lovely lamb steaks, mashed potatoes and broccoli-cauliflower dinner. 

     Here are some introductory photos of Ipswich.  I will look more closely at many of these places during our month here.  But for now, here is what we’ve seen so far.


Ipswich : first images

Rick and Mary took us through Ipswich center; the High Street and Christchurch Park, Ipswich Public Library and the lovely tourist information center.  Ipswich will be a wonderful place to spend some time.   Here are  some photos; no explanations or research.  Just some images before I really start to explore.

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Town Hall with a café shop and gallery as well as studio space. 

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Dancing Queen bobble head…..I was tempted!


Tourist Information with very helpful staff


Ipswich Public Library, open every day so I’ll make great use of it.


Our first visitors…..

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