A vist to the Ünvers’ home


A visit to the Sunday Jam Man

Selahattin Ünver  and his wife Reyhan visited  DoraMac while Randal was in China.  We were invited to visit them at their home in Amutalan and this past Tuesday we did.  Selahattin picked us up at noon and we drove to their condo.  Their friend Suzanne, a Dutch woman who works for the Dutch Consulate and Dutch tourism was also there to help along the conversation.  She is fluent in English and Turkish as well as her own Dutch and probably other languages as well.   She and the Ünvers became friends over the jam also.  The jam comes from Reyhan’s brother who lives further north-west and Selahattin sells it at the Sunday market in Beldibi on Sunday , Thursdays in Muḡla and also at the Gökova market.  It keeps him busy in his retirement from the Turkish Coast Guard.  


Selahattin, Reyhan, Suzanne, and Randal

There was a wonderful bean/wheat stew Keṣkek or something that sounded like that.  It was topped with a buttery pepper sauce that would make any foodie swoon.  And the spicy red lentil balls and the cinnamon rolls and bread and apple cake …  and gallons of Turkish tea.



Reyhan and me.

Reyhan is a wonderful cook and everything tasted great!  There was enough food for 50 and only 5 of us to eat it.  Suzanne and we were sent home with bags of food!



  From their lives in Istanbul.  Don’t they look like TV News Anchors?



Their lovely condo with a photo of Turkish hero Ataturk.



From their 3rd floor balcony is a lovely view of the mountains.



Suzanne had to return to work so Selahattin and I resorted to our dictionaries.