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Hi Again Sweetie   11/02/2000

  I'm on a faster more reliable computer now. Sorry about sending that last
message so many times. That was on the other computer. It took so long to
load a message from you I didn't read your remaining e-mails till now. I'm
going to a bigger PO across town to mail a box. My computer says that from
Vietnam you can use At&t at post offices, At&t service centers, and in Ho Chi Minh city some hotels.  We probably won't be in one of them though. Everybody is having trouble getting out. I asked Al this morning and she said she got out in Hue by calling direct but it was nearly $4.00 a minute.
.     Yesterday I thought I was taking a 10 minute ferry to an island to see an
aquarium. I got on a boat full of people that was getting ready to leave as
I stepped on. That was about 10:00 AM.  It was a tour of the islands that
included snorkeling, a wonderful lunch and several stops on islands. It got
back to Nha Trang at 6:00 PM. I was so worried about how much it was going to cost. I didn't have a ticket and when he came around at the end of the day to collect the money it was equal to $7.00 plus $.60 for a coke.
   Love    Randal

Hi Sweetie    11/03/2000
      I just got off the phone with you about an hour ago. It was great hearing
your voice.  I've had a shower and taken the shuttle back to the main hotel
and had dinner. This internet cafe is just a few minutes away from there.
  I enjoyed both your e-mails. I like the expression "moral compass". When I
read that you had eaten all the cake I laughed out loud and embarrassed
myself in this quietness.  (Long story)
     I have time to decide what to do about O2K. There will be another meeting
tomorrow night. We can wait and see what Tim has to say. I think in the end
more people, as they rationalize this in their own mind, will decide to
continue.  (I mentioned before that Odyssey is broke and is asking all riders to pay $3,000 to continue.  I said that Randal didn't have to be a moral compass but should just do what he wanted.  As of this past Wednesday 11/15/2000 he will leave Odyssey and travel to New Zealand with other riders who feel Tim is being unfair to the spirit of Odyssey.)
  I'm glad you're getting out and doing things. I'm glad you and Kim and
Caitlin are having fun together. I would love for Caitlin to see Asia when
she is about 10 years old.
I love you Dalat     Randal

  Hi Ruthie   11/03/2000
       I'm back at the internet cafe. It's Saturday morning. I was thinking on
the way over here how much fun it will be for the two of us just to walk
through Lowe's and see what is new for the last year. I now remember my
experience when I came home from here before. Things had changed. Roads had
been built, new houses were in places where there were fields before, and
people had passed away without my knowledge. With all the experiences I've
had this year I must also realize the lost experiences, especially with you.
  When I checked for new messages upon arriving I found I had sent the
e-mail last night to rlipnok and it came back. I is to close to the o on the
keyboard. Speaking of keyboards. Dick Ryan, my roomie, checked at the front
desk this morning and that call to you was $7.00 per minute. This internet
access is $1.50 an hour, so, you may be as close as my finger tips on this
keyboard rather than a phone pad. (Bet you wondered where I was going with
that huh?)
  Dalat is a resort town. Because of it's altitude, it's cooler and an escape
from the sweltering heat in the coastal lowlands. I think I've learned more
about Vietnam in these few days than I did the whole year I was here before.
It must have been like your time in Florida at library school. I only left
the base a few times and that was on business. I think one time we were
taken to a deserted beach somewhere for a day. I remember because the truck
got stuck in the sand but we got it unstuck.
  In all the places we've been in Vietnam there are people trying to sell
you something on the street. Touristy stuff like post cards, cigarettes,
books, taxi rides, etc. Sometimes they won't take "no" for an answer and
keep pestering you until they see a better prospect, even to the point of
following you for blocks. Also like China, and particularly in the country
side, if you stop for any reason, you're instantly mobbed by onlookers. I
passed several people yesterday with flats and its difficult to concentrate
enough even to fix a flat with people jammed up almost touching you. But
everybody realizes that the onlookers mean no harm, they're just interested
in what you're doing and what you look like and if you have more or fewer
body parts than they do I guess.
  It's a bright sunny day and several people are taking a tour of some kind
or another. I think I will walk around town and see what is what. I got a
city map last night at the hotel and I can find my way to and from. There is
a communication tower in town that sort of, with just a little stretch of
the imagination, resembles the Eiffel Tower. I've already seen an Eiffel Cafe.
There is a lake with cafes and coffee shops around the shores and paddle
boats that can be rented. The lake is not too appealing because the water is
muddy and there is trash along the water's edge.
  Well someone just sat down beside me and lit up so this is a good time to
start my walking tour.
Love and miss you.  Randal

Hi Sweetie   11/07/2000
    I hardly know what day it is. It's 1:40 PM and this morning we left from
Phan Theit on our bikes riding 110 Kilometers;  then we boarded buses for the
rest of the way here. We just stepped off the bus and they are not ready to
check us in to the hotel yet so I saw this internet cafe for 200 dong a
minute, that's less than $1.00 an hour.  I guess that will offset that 10
minute $73.00 call from Dalat.
  This morning we rode down highway # 1 and we all made good time. I got to
the buses about 11:30. We will have a layover day tomorrow and then fly to
Phuket Thailand on Thursday. There are 9 million people living in Saigon.
From the looks from the bus seat I'm glad we didn't bike in. It seems very
  I've got several e-mails stuck on my laptop because I can't connect, one,
I think, is about Jesse, including a picture.
  I should be able to connect in Thailand.
  Talk to you soon I hope, I'm going to try and find something to eat.
Love  Randal

   Hi Sweetie  11/07/2000
     The Miata is bad in good weather and terrible in bad weather.
I'm probably going to finish the year out in some form or other, so keep
California as is for the time being.
   In a few days we fly out to Thailand and better communications I hope.
Love  Randal 

Hi Sweetie  11/08/2000
     I got up early this morning, had a shower, ate breakfast, packed and
loaded my gear on the truck, and was waiting at the door of the internet
cafe when it opened at 7:30 AM. I beat the crowd but people are coming in
  Yesterday I went to the War Museum, the former president's palace, and the
Ho Chi Minh Museum. It used to be called the Unification Museum, but they
changed the name. I spent most of the morning at the War Museum though. They
had US planes, tanks, big guns, even a Huey helicopter there. The most
impressive though was what was on the inside. There were pictures of
American soldiers torturing and killing Vietnamese captives. There was
picture after picture of atrocities committed by our side. I think I knew in
the back of my mind that this went on but to see documentation of it is a
different matter. "I've met the enemy and it's us"
  I'll be glad to get out of Saigon. You cannot get away from the people. I
guess the residents are accustomed to it though.  I've been walking down a
street where the noise level is almost deafening and there will be someone
sleeping on the sidewalk.
   In an hour or two we will leave for the airport. I don't know when the
airplane leaves but we arrive in Thailand sometime early afternoon. I can't
wait to call you so you probably will get a call first thing in the morning.
Even if the cell phone won't work I feel I can access ATT from there. (There
are eight people in hear already).  Phuket is on the water and there is
suppose to be a great beach.   Yesterday I bought a Lonely Planet book on
Thailand and found out latter that it is a rip-off copy. Then I started
looking at all the books the street venders are selling and they're all
rip-offs. I bought another Lonely Planet book on Vietnam because of the
history section in the front. This morning Michael said he was looking at my
Thailand book and 200 pages are missing in the middle.
  There are two art galleries on this street that do repaints of famous
paintings. I almost bought a Van Gogh. Some of the paintings are excellent
and they paint them right there in front of you. You know when you've gotten
to the store because you can smell the paint on the sidewalk out front.
  I'll also try and connect my computer at the hotel tonight and send those
e-mails on it. I still need to answer those questions Kim's class sent me.
  I'm considering continuing on with O2K.  I wanted to wait because there are
rumors that people are organizing their own tour through NZ for about the
same money and staying in hotels and B&Bs.  I'll talk to them before I decide
but some of the airline fares I'm hearing about may not be acquirable.
Besides they're missing Hawaii, staying in NZ and flying direct to LA.
I'll be in Burbank before you know it.
Love  Randal


Hi Sweetie   11/11/2000

    I didn't stay for the talent show. I had to go to a ATM, walk the six or so blocks back to the hotel.  Now I'm in the room and it's 10:45pm  and I still haven't packed or taken a shower yet. Tomorrow was supposed to be a 15 mile ride and a ferry to Krapi but a few days ago we were told there was no ferry and we would have to ride 100 plus miles over hills and in this heat.  Most people started looking for alternative transportation.   The host hotel (riders are divided among several hotels) was selling ferry tickets for about $15.00 but by the time I got there they said the ferry was full and they were not selling any more tickets. I left and as I was walking back to my hotel I walked into a tour office and bought a ticket for that very ferry. I told them I was under the impression that ferry was full but they called and were told there were still tickets. I guess I'll find out in the morning. If I get there and there is no room I'm in trouble because it will be too late to do anything else and I have to be in Krapi tomorrow night.
    I'm sending a few pictures. The first one is of the embroidered picture that cost $15,000. The second is rice drying on the road in Vietnam. The third is a picture of two Vietnamese girls who were hanging out at temple waiting for westerners to come by so they could practice their English.

embroidered picture

rice drying on the left side of the road

practicing English

 11/11/2000   I'm on Phi Phi (PP) island. A ferry stop on my way to Krapi.  I have a two hour layover while waiting for the other ferry. There are thousands of
people here, mostly westerners. Apparently most are here for the scuba
diving, or they're in transit like me.
   It's very warm here and I think I'm doing better with it than some of the
people from up north. Humid and hot weather seems to be the norm around here
though and it's very tropical.
  I will talk to Phil and Shirley;  they are kind of heading this self
organized tour of NZ.   I will make a decision soon.  One of the things I must
know is if I can get out of Auckland on the 20th or 21st.  If I can't get
home by Christmas I may as well just meet you in LA. That might make the
most sense anyway. Just because a ticket is listed on the web doesn't mean
there is a seat available.
I'll talk to you when you get out of bed.
Love Randal

Hi Sweetie  11/12/2000
    I'm trying to resolve some things from this end.  I committed myself to the
New Zealand group.  One of the NZ group got a ticket from Singapore to
Christchurch, from Auckland to Miami for $1,000.00.  I'm trying to do
something like that. If I can't, I will take the flight you mentioned.
Either way, go ahead and change the ticket for me to and from California. Tell
them you now intend for me to fly with you on the 30th and fly back on the
Thanks for all you do for me. (I've been playing travel agent go-between!)
Love  Randal

11/12/2000    I'm not trying to fly to Miami. BUT if she can fly from Singapore to
Christchurch, from Auckland to Miami for $1000.00 then I should be able to
fly home from;;;Did you not read my e-mail to the travel agent;;; NZ for
less than $1000.00. I f I can get a ticket from Singapore to Christchurch
and from Wellington or Auckland home for $1000.00 then I could collect
$500.00 from TKA. Get it? Tim has offered us the option of $500.00 or so, if
we leave the trip in Singapore, or, he will fly us to LA or Christchurch. I
can check on my options injecting that criteria into the formula.
  Just fix the tickets to and from California and I'll do the rest based on the
info you gave me, thanks.
Crapy in Krabi
PS I love you and only you forever.  (Making arrangements by 3-way e-mail is trying to say the least!  Ultimately it was worked out and Randal will arrive in Roanoke at supposedly 11:30pm on the 19th of December.  Until it was worked out there were more than a few stressful e-mail exchanges.
11/12/2000    I'm in the hotel in Trang. It was a very hot 130 klm today. At midday I thuoght I was going to have a heatstroke. I'm considering going off route. I actually considered it yesterday. I can get a flight from Phuket to
Singapore for $96.00. I could backtrack there with a minimum of clothing in
a backpack and fly to Singapore and wait on the group. THERE IS A SECLUDED BEACH JUST 10 k from  Krabi    Its  name is Railay beach and it is only accessible by water.  Mac and Win went there yesterday.
Sometimes I forget in the heat of the moment how much I love you. Fortunately
you don't forget.   I haven't heard from the travel agent, if I don't hear from her soon I will  book the flight you found.
Love   Randal


Hello Third Grade.  (Randal's responses to Mrs. Rawlings's class 13th November)

   First I would like to thank your teacher, Mrs. Rawlings for letting you send me these questions. Second I would like to apologize for not responding sooner. I have been in China and Vietnam and I haven't been able to get my computer connected.
    I would like to encourage you to ask questions about Thailand where I am now. Today I stopped at a school and if I had a list of questions I could have let the children in the third grade answer them. If you get me the questions soon, before I leave I will try and do that.
    Now, to respond to the questions ask of me.
    To Bobby:   That is a very good question and one that I asked myself before I started on Odyssey. This is the answer. We don't. Every time we go to a new continent we rent trucks and have them ready at the airport or ferry landing so we can put our gear on them.
    To Cameran: It was very hard at first and I questioned my own ability to finish, but after the first three weeks had passed, my knees stopped hurting and I could feel myself getting stronger. By the end of Odyssey on Dec 31 I will have ridden my bike far enough that I could have ridden across the United States five times, from the Atlantic Ocean in Virginia to the Pacific Ocean in California.
    To Hunter: Sometimes it's so much fun I get that tingling feeling that runs up your back like when your mom tells you, you can go to the circus. In China we rode our bikes through rural areas where the children had never seen Westerners before. One small child in her mothers arms broke into tears when she saw me. Others just wanted to touch me or pull the hair on my arm. I must have heard 10,000 variations of "Hello". That was great fun for me to see all the children  run up to the road and say hello. Sometimes however when it would rain or it would be extremely cold like when we were going over a mountain pass it was not as much fun. I can tell you there is not one minute of Odyssey that I would be willing to give back. Not even getting hit by those cars in Spain. 
    To Seth: Yes, sometimes like today when it was very hot I need several. Coca Cola is a name we have seen in all the countries we've been through. Even in the back country of China you could buy a Coke. We could also buy Snickers Bars in most countries as well, but they were the only two brand names we recognized over most of the world.
    To Romona: I can give you a general idea but I won't know exactly until I get home and look at my accounts. I originally paid $31,000 to the Odyssey organizers for participating in this trip, but I have probably spent another $20,000 in such things as phone calls home, food, additional accommodations, gifts, postage for shipping boxes home, tour tickets, maintaining my bike, etc. Most of us get our money out of ATMs. You just go to the machine and with your ATM card the machine will give you the money for the country you're in. When we leave a country and still have money you can exchange it at the airport. I'm in Thailand now and one dollar here is worth 43 Bhat. (Bat) In Vietnam one dollar is worth 14,340 Dong. Can you tell me how much one million Dong is worth in dollars?
    To Micah:  I'm not absolutely sure if I felt it or I just reached down to check on it but either way I was very lucky that I did. In just a few short seconds it would have been gone and he would have been $500.00 richer and I $500.00 poorer. We were in a subway car and there were so many people in such a small space that we were crammed together like sardines in a can. That environment is very conducive for pickpockets and in Rome they thrive on tourist. They even have a special police department for tourist.   Many people profited from the great amount of tourist that come there every year.
    To Sami: I have fond memories of all the places I've been. I liked some countries more than others for a variety of reasons. Most of the time however my fondness for a country can be traced to how I was treated by the people. I'm not saying that I dismiss a country just because one person treated me badly. After being in a country for awhile you can sort of get a feeling of how the people are in terms of their culture. I think that in China it is not within their culture to steal. It just doesn't enter their mind. In some countries though it is very much a part of every day life to steal and be stolen from, which is very sad.
    To Michael: I'm glad you asked me that question because it gives me a chance to brag a little. When my Odyssey bike arrived it had a tire that was defective. Raleigh, the manufacturer of the bike, paid for the replacement and my dealer, Cardinal Bicycle in Roanoke, suggested I go with a bigger tire considering some of the roads I would be riding on. We went from a size 28 tire to a size 35; a much bigger tire.   I elected to replace the tires in May because I had been hit twice by cars and I thought there may be hidden damage. Those tires are still on the bike and look like new and have about 9,000 miles on them. I'm proud of that fact. Very few riders can say they have replaced there tires only one time.
    To Ariel: Well Ariel, I'm getting tired of living out of a suitcase, or, in my case a custom built bag. I don't know that I would ever get tired of traveling. I miss my family and friends very much. Yesterday as I was riding the ferry from Phuket, (Poo-ket) to Phi Phi Island (PP) I met a man from Ireland. He travels quite a bit and had seen many countries in his travels. Like me he owns his own business and has to go home to run it and make money so he can travel some more. How can you ever tire of exploring? It's very exciting to see things and places you've never seen before. I would recommend it to everyone. On the ferry from Phi Phi Island to Krapi a few hours latter I met a lady from Milan, Italy who is a writer for a Nature Magazine. She too had traveled extensively and was very well read as you have to be to be a good writer.  I admired her very much and regretted having to end our conversation when the boat reached the dock. Both of these people had something in common, they only traveled for one month at a time, unlike me.  I will have been on the road for one year.
    To Michael O: Several people have been injured quite severely. Unfortunately one man had to have his leg removed after being run over by a truck in Sweden. I have not had a serious injury. I did go to the hospital for x-rays the first time I was  hit by a car in Spain but was okay and back on the bike the next day. I think a total of six or seven people have had to leave the trip for having broken bones either as a result of falling or getting hit by a car. Considering the danger of this many people riding this many miles in unfamiliar areas I consider us to be lucky.
    To Austin: I have basically the same bike. The tires have been replaced, the wheels several times, the chain and chain rings, the bottom bracket, the bearings in the fork, the seat post, the right shifter, the mirror, the kickstand, and the handlebar bracket. As of now also the rear wheel needs replacing for the fourth time and the rear derailleur needs replacing.
    To Stephanie: Food cost varies widely throughout the world and throughout the US for that matter. Several extremes stick out in my mind however, your teacher and her stepmother paid 14,000 lire ($7.00) in Italy for an ice cream cone. Today I stopped at a roadside open cafe and had fried rice with seafood, a bowl of soup, and two soft drinks for  97 cents.
    To Courtney: I think by the end of the year I will have camped about 150 nights this year and I didn't care for it very much. The answer to your question though is yes. You know, I can only remember 3 or 4 times when it rained at night when we were camping.  I prefer to stay in a hotel or a B&B.
    Thank you all for your questions and I look forward to answering any more you might have.
    Hopefully I will be able to come visit your class after the Christmas Holidays.
    If possible Mrs. Rawlings will make a paper copy for each student who asked a question.

Hi Sweetie    11/13/2000

    After that long e-mail to Kim's class I'm worn out. I haven't had to think for some time now and it absorbs a lot of energy.
    Last night in Krabi I couldn't sleep so I listened to a duo playing American music for awhile then I walked to a park where there were many events going on. There was a bumper car arena and Eric, Mickey, and I drove those things until they shut down at 12:00 midnight. We had a blast and I laughed until I was almost sick.
 Love      Randal

11/13/2000       School children near Trang Thailand.  I had just given an  American                                       flag bandana to their teacher.

 Hi Ruthie   11/15/2000    Ko Samui  Randal on his own!
         This morning at the hotel I asked the travel desk (yes almost all hotels
have a travel desk) how would be the best way to get to Ko Samui. I had
already read about buses, shared taxis, and trains. The Lonely Planet
recommended shared taxis, so did the travel desk. They called and made
arrangements for one to pick me up at 11:30. The cost 150 Bhats. There are
  43 bhats to the dollar. It was a 5.5 hour ride and I've now been here less
than an hour and I have a room at the Thai Rung Ruang Hotel for 420 Bhats.
Less than $10.00. I also have made arrangements to be picked up and taken to
the ferry at 7:45 AM for the 3 hour ride to Ko Sumui. The person I talked to
also wanted to help me with accommodations there but I said I would worry
about that when I arrived.
   The van driver dropped me off at the hotel after I showed him the name in
the Lonely Planet. The room is not the best I've been in but it will do for
tonight. On the island I will probably get a better place. There was a French
couple in the van and they were continuing on tonight but I didn't want to
arrive that late so I'll go in the morning. Besides I can investigate this
place a little. Before I left the hotel just a few minutes ago I dropped off
my laundry to be cleaned. They said it would be ready tonight. I had to pack
dirty clothes this morning in my backpack because just about all my clothes
were dirty. I only brought 2 t-shirts because you can buy nice shirts here
for $2.00. With time on my hands I might send a package home from the island.
    I was trying to type this in a hurry because I know you will be checking
it soon.
 Love   Randal 

  Hi Ruthie         11/16/2000                               12:00 noon
     I feel so much better knowing that my flight is secure. (Randal's                                                         alternative travel plans were finally finalized!)    I just sent an e-mail                                                         to the hotel (in Singapore (  so the New Zealand tickets could be sent                                           somewhere for Randal to pick up.  It couldn't be done electronically.)                                            requesting a room. I just got off the boat  (to Ko Sumui) 30 minutes ago and                                             walked straight into this cafe.  I'm going to catch a ride up the coast to Na Thon.                                         There is an info center there and a post office. I can  schedule the next few days.
      The other day as I was riding I thought of a parody play and made
myself laugh for miles. The feeling among most people is that Tim is not
being straight with them. Few doubt he is out of money but few believe the
reason. The play goes like this. One year after O2K is over, a rider appears
on a sports program and lies about most of his accomplishments. When
challenged he gives the same answers Tim gives. I think I have also figured
out a way to hit most people on the ride, the ones who sag all the time, the
who ride all the time, the ones who support Tim and the ones who don't, the ones
who whine.  Maybe my calling is to write a play about this ride rather than a
 Love   Randal

Hi Sweetie      11/18/2000
     I just got off the phone with you about 30 minutes ago. I found an
internet cafe but had to wait for them to open and get the computers up and
going. I went by the one I had used before and there was no one there
although the sign said 9:00 AM and it was 9:30. It seems that they don't pay
a lot of attention to schedules here.
  I will fly to Phuket this afternoon and stay there until the 22nd or 23rd
then fly to Singapore. Could you check for me and see what the currency
conversion rate is for Singapore. I might can find it but at 2 Bhat a minute
for computer use. I will e-mail you from there once I've landed. There is a
Las Vegas style show I may go see there.  I saw it advertised when I bought
the ticket for the day tour I went on. It has elephants and tigers and is
suppose to be a great show. I also want to go back to the worlds largest
precious stone store. Besides it doesn't rain there this time of year, I
  New Zealand will be interesting. It will be interesting to see how much
people will ride, including myself, given the fact we have an option of
sagging everyday. It will be interesting to see how the dynamics of the group
will evolve. The group will consist of Phil and Shirley, Win, young Dave,
Bill Wiggins and his wife is going to fly to NZ to join us, Judy from
Florida, and myself. That is all I know of but more may sign up between the
time I left and Singapore. Bill and his wife have made arrangements for a
car and we will have to rent a van. Phil has already checked on all this. I
told him we should assign someone to be treasurer and I would do it if no
one else would.
  I e-mailed Tim and told him I would be leaving the trip in Singapore.                                                                 All my love   Randal

                     Vietnam Revisited   (sent 11/18/2000)

    I had absolutely no feelings good or bad about coming to Vietnam.  I had
wanted to go back to Dong Ha, the base where I spent one year as a 20 year
old marine in 1969.  Because of circumstances I couldn't though.  I don't mean
to imply that I don't have strong feelings about the war.  For example I've
never been able to make myself go to the Vietnam War Memorial in DC.  I never
fully understood the reasoning for being here in the first place. I know we
were fighting Communism.  The enemy was who we were told they were. They
certainly don't seem like the enemy now. Everybody just seems to be friendly
and trying to make a living like me.
  I'm reading a book by a Vietnamese author about the history of Vietnam.
I've just started it so I haven't gotten to the American involvement yet. It
will be interesting to read their perspective. I do know we call it the
Vietnam war and they call it the American war. In HoChi Minh City I went to
a war memorial and saw some pretty gruesome pictures of war crimes by
American GI's. But even with all that being shown to them I didn't meet a
one that seemed to harbor any ill feelings toward Americans. Even the
captions under the pictures seem to direct criticism at the US government
rather than the GI's themselves.
  Someday I will come back because Vietnam, war or no war, is a very
interesting country.
                            Randal Johnson

Hi Ruthie   11/18/2000
      I'm in Phuket.  I'm staying at the Sunshine Home Hotel. Believe it or not I
booked myself to do the very same day long tour I did before. There is a
different guide though. While I was in the tour office I talked a Polish
couple into doing the same tour so I guess we will be in the same van. I
bought a notebook to take this time because I didn't have one before. I
will forego the elephant ride this time.  I thought that the food alone was
worth the money.
  I'm also thinking about going to that Las Vegas style show. The brochure
looks great.
I love you.

Hi Sweetie     11/19/2000
    I want to tell you of an experience I had today that makes traveling so
much fun.
   Yesterday when I arrived back in Phuket I went to a booking office where
I had booked a day tour of Phuket that I enjoyed so much.  There was so much
information,  I had wanted to talk to them about doing it again this time with
my notebook.  I walked in and the girl remembered me though I didn't think
she would.  I asked her to call and see if I could get on today's tour and to
make sure that Charlie would be the guide. She called and I could get a seat
but Charlie was out of town;  I told her I would try and find something else.
   While I was looking over some other brochures a couple came in from
Poland and asked about a tour and the girl was showing them the brochure for
the tour I had done. She said to them to ask me; that I had done the tour.  I
started to tell them all about it and the man said based on my
recommendation that they would sign up.  I told the girl to go ahead and book
me too.
   This morning the van picked me up at 8:30 AM and the Polish couple was on
board. We then picked up a couple from Sweden and a newly wed couple from
Amman, Jordan.  That made 7 people.  I was explaining to the Polish man that the                                          guide from before would ask questions and the person who got the closest
answer would be given a piece of candy.  He said he thought I was doing the
tour again just so I could win the candy.  When I got in the van though I
noticed that the candy jar was almost empty.
    The all day tour included a stop at an overlook of a beautiful beach and
cove, a stop at a rubber plantation, a school for training monkeys to pick
coconuts, a ride on an elephant, morning tea stop, a tour of Thalang Town,
lunch in the park, a visit to a pineapple plantation, the aquarium, Phuket
Old town, the cashew nut factory, afternoon tea break, a stop at the world's
largest jewelry store, and a view of the sunset from a vantage point that is
so popular that there must have been 2,000 people there to see it.
    The guide we had was Peter; but when we got to lunch there was a surprise
waiting. Charlie greeted us.  When I got out of the van he addressed me by
name and told me he had just found out I was on the tour for the second time
and that I had talked the Polish couple into coming too. He must have talked
to the booking office. He said if he had known earlier he could have guided
the tour. He said in gratitude he would leave a gift for me. I introduced
him to the rest of the people on the tour and the Polish guy said, "where is
the candy"? He immediately took Peter aside and talked to him and then
rejoined us after lunch to say goodbye.
    When we started the tour again there was a fresh batch of candy that
Peter started giving out. When the tour ended and we were dropping off
people I noticed that Peter handed the Polish guy a neatly wrapped little
package, I assume by the shape of it that it contained several pieces of
candy. When I was dropped off Peter handed me a neatly wrapped package                                                with a note attached.  I walked into the booking office and read the note out loud
to the girls working there and opened the package which contained a
T-shirt from the tour company which the girls told me Charlie
   Charlie went out of his way to do something that made me feel special.  I
know I must be only one of thousands that take his tour every year. Maybe I
can think of Charlie when I get home and start dealing with the public again
in my business.
Ruth I will send you a picture of Charlie when I get back to my computer.
Love   Randal

Hi Sweetie  11/20/2000
     Well, I guess I need to break the news to you that I didn't buy anything
at the jewelry store. I didn't know that rubies were so expensive.
I did write down several things about the tour yesterday so I'll get them
documented before I lose the notes.
     The rubber tree plantation we visited had 600 trees and was considered a
hobby farm. The workers start cutting a strip in the bark of the trees
around midnight daily. After strips have been cut in all the trees they come
back and collect the latex. It takes 25 trees to produce enough latex to
make one mat. Each mat brings about 46 cents US. The worker and the
plantation owner split that 50/50. The reason they start at midnight is
because the trees will produce more sap when it's cooler.
  The biggest use in Thailand of the latex is for making tennis balls.
Rubber is the number one export of Thailand followed by coconuts and
pineapples. Sometimes rubber trees and pineapples grow together.  Rubber
trees don't start producing until their seventh year and produce until they're
about twenty years old. For the first several years a grove is planted
pineapples can be grown because the trees aren't big enough to block the
sun. It takes 15 to 18 months for a pineapple bush to produce a pineapple,
then the bush/tree is dug up and another planted.
  Thailand also has 5,000 elephants. Of these 2,000 are still in the wild.
Elephants used to be used for logging operations and would be worked for
24hrs a day for up to seven days straight. Several years ago this practice
was outlawed and that put many many elephants in the unemployment line.
Fortunately the tourist trade has given them a new profession. You can get
elephant safaris almost anywhere.
  We also visited a cashew nut factory. Women opening the nuts make 15 Bhat
for one Kilogram. A veteran can open about 10 Kilograms of nuts per day.
Thats 150 Bhats or less than $4.00 per day.

*************************************** (for me!)
 Your Husband

  Hi Sweetie  11/21/2000

  You'll be awakening soon and I'll call. The show last night was quite a
production. It had elephants, a tiger, chickens, pigeons, goats, lots of
pyrotechnics, and things disappeared. Lots of loud music. I liked it well
enough that we could see it again if we come back here. I also got my teeth
cleaned yesterday by a dentist.
  I tried yesterday and I'm trying again today to book a cooking class for
tomorrow. It last from 8:30 AM until 3:30 PM and teaches how to cook 6 Thai
dishes and includes two hours of fruit carving.
  I have my plane ticket for Singapore. I will be flying out Thursday at
11:20 AM. I'll be there a day before O2K, giving me time to get my bike
Talk to you soon.
  Love  Randal

Should I trade my bike for one?

Hi Sweetie  11/22/2000
      I'm in the booking office waiting for the shuttle to the cooking class. 
Maybe I'll look back on this year as I do my stint in the Marines. It was                                                            a  memorable experience but sometimes I wonder what kind of
experience I would have had if I had stayed home. Anyway I do know I'm
anxious to be home with you.     Love Randal

Hi Sweetie    11/22/2000
     I've still got all my fingers. The class was great fun.  I was the only
student and I had three teachers. We ate the food we prepared and it was
very good though some of it was spicy. One thing we prepared was "Deep Fried
Prawn Cake". Remind me to cook that when I get home, it was my favorite.
I also learned to carve fruit although my ability paled in comparison to
the chef's. I did make a pretty nice rose out of a tomato peeling.  Talk to you in about two hours
Love   Randal

Subject: Nov. 23/Airport departing
Date: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 10:08 PM
Hi Sweetie
     Gosh, normal life with you sounds great, I can't wait, for with you a cake 
to bake, I may make a mistake, but in stride will take, I love you, it was 
fate, that we mate.
Sorry got carried away.
I'm at the airport waiting to board the plane.

Hi Sweetie    11/23/2000
     I must have missed you this morning.  I called after I checked into the hotel
in Singapore. My cell phone does not work here.  I called you at a few minutes
after 6:00AM but you must have been walking Belle. I'll try you again at
I arrived okay and found a bike box.  It's a good thing I had the Fedx #
because when I checked in they said there was no package. I told the person
at the desk that Leonard Wong had signed for it and she went and brought him
back. He checked and said there was no package and I showed him that he had
signed for it on the 20th. He looked again and found it.
I'll call you tomorrow at Jess's or maybe tonight.
Love   Randal

Hi Sweetie   11/23/2000
     The hotel got their business office up and running so I'm using the
computer.  People started riding in about 10:30 AM and greeted me like a                                                      long lost friend.  I'm sure going to miss these guys.  For a large majority it was the
end of Odyssey.  Everyone is just sitting around the lobby now waiting for
the staff to get their "stuff"  together.  It seems there is some confusion over
how many are to occupy a room.  The hotel thinks 2 and Tim thinks 3 to a
room.  You would think some of the larger details would be worked out
beforehand.  I may not miss the disorganization so much.
If I can get my camping gear shipped and my bicycle boxed this afternoon I
will have all day tomorrow to explore.  The map of  Singapore has lots of
exciting things to do.
Love  Randal

Hi Sweetie  11/24/2000
    Well, we've had the farewell show.  Tonight after dinner there was a fashion show by O2K riders showing off clothes they had bought or had had made in Asia.  Then the choir put on a show,  there were a few skits by people, and  then we watched the 3rd video. It wasn't over until 11:30 PM.  Everyone had a great time.
     I had planned on having all my chores done by the end of the day but our bags from Hong Kong won't be here until 11:30 in the morning we're now being told.  I have to repack and try and send one home.  Since tomorrow is Sat. I don't know if I can or not and I fly out the next day.
     The ones of us going to NZ on our own had a meeting this afternoon and discussed some of the things we are going to do. I was given a Lonely Planet guide by Dave. I guess he and Mary decided they didn't need it.
Love  Randal 

Hi Sweetie   11/25/2000

     I called DHL Shipping Co. and they were very helpful.  I ordered six boxes that measure 17.6 X 14X 10.8 inches.  The