Flowers for Colin

B Dock Netsel Marina

Marmaris, Turkey


     We had a memorial Happy Hour for our friend Colin.  Then we all attended his funeral in the Iҫmeler cemetery.  This past Saturday was the day to make his grave into a garden. 



Flowers for Colin

Friday Jane and Coni had biked to the big nursery just near the amphitheater not far from the Thursday market.  Jane selected a variety of plants for Colin’s grave and the very kind owners delivered all of the plants to the marina.  On Saturday I joined Jane and Coni for a trip to the cemetery to plant everything.  When you visit Colin you can see the lovely garden Jane has made for him. 


The Iҫmeler Cemetery just off the old Datҫa Road.

The driveway is just a bit further and there’s a road up to the higher part where the non-Turks are buried.  I can’t call those buried here foreigners as all had chosen to make Turkey their home. 



The rock garden at one end was created when we cleared the soil for the plants.







The plastic containers and the white stones were reused to decorate around the roses and to hold some of the plants.  The containers had held a display from Colin’s sister April and her sons James and Robin.  Other notes and ribbons from bouquets were also arranged among the plants. 


There are 3 rose bushes and on the center one is a Valentine’s card Jane had made for Colin years ago.  He’d saved it. 
