Romblon 2

August 3  6:43 pm Kota Kinabalu

Here we are back in Romblon again.  Our first full morning in Romblon was with the visiting kids.  But we had made a plan to meet Chris and Myline for lunch.  We then spent most of the afternoon with them.

clip_image002 Myline and Chris during lunch at the Romblon Deli!  Our table is marble.  Food was quite good.  Chris spent many years as a commercial fisherman in Australia.  Myline is Filipino.  She is also an accomplished sailor. 

clip_image004 Their home is up a mountain with lots of lovely jungle all around.  Randal and I had the fun of sitting in the back of the truck during our drive through town and up the mountain.

clip_image006  The view from the kitchen sink window.  Who would mind doing dishes here! 

Much of the land seen from the window is theirs.

clip_image008 clip_image010

They had 2 very large rooms that were light and airy and cool.  Chris has bought this house for Myline. 

clip_image012 A marble table on the front porch.  A great place to swing away on the hammock.

clip_image014 The road past their home.

  While we were having lunch at the Romblon Deli, Chris called a friend, Avon Romero, who does local tours and sells real estate and is into lots of things and knows about everyone it seemed.  Avon introduced us to both Tony Parkinson and Toffy Romero.  The people we met on Romblon were the best part of Romblon.

Next email, Tony Parkinson