Lots of these photos were taken by either Kevin, Audrey or Bob. I’ll just put my name by mine and the others are ones they took.
A view of the beach and the Bataan Peninsular
I know Kevin took this photo because he was kind enough to go out with me. I didn’t want to go alone and no one else seemed to really want to go. Both Bob and Audrey have done lots of diving so this is not such a big deal to them. I am wearing my flour sack shorts and also my keene walking shoes because I was too lazy to get my booties and Randal’s flippers. But it made swimming harder and when we got really far out I got a bit scared when I started to have a hard time getting back in. Even though the current was going towards the beach somehow because of the channel I was in the waves were going back out. Kevin was with me so I wasn’t really worried, or at least not panic stricken. Next time I’ll wear flippers. When Bob and Audrey saw the photos they decided to go in, but both swam out much further than I would have felt comfortable. I liked seeing the fish, but the shrubbery made me think of snakes and hidden stuff. There were some spiky sea urchins, but you could see them so could avoid stepping on them. I also saw sea cucumber, interesting but not so colorful.
This was out fairly far. I did see lots of tiny brightly colored fish. Audrey and Bob say that there are only small young fish because of over fishing and dynamite fishing where they blow everything out of the water and destroy way too much. It is outlawed but still done illegally.
Ruel Reminds me of those glasses with the fuzzy eyebrows and nose and mustache attached!
Ruel and Christina ( I think)
Mariel and Carmela (I think)
Maria, Ruth, Mariel, Agnes, Christina and Carmela
This was a floating pavilion that was actually in the water by the time we left. The woman in the orange suit is Maria’s mom who is 2 years younger than I am! My photo.