Zam Zam Islamic Restaurant

Hi Everyone,

  Tomorrow, Friday,  we head off to Puteri Harbour where we will stay until we join up with the West Malaysia Rally.  Puteri Harbour is about 50 miles from here so we’ll leave early in the morning to get there before dark.   But the wind is supposed to be light and the seas mostly flat so we should have an easy time of it.  We’ll leave the boat at Puteri and take the bus across the causeway to Singapore for about 4 days.  We’re going there to see friends and buy supplies, boat and book.  Our friend Marie-Louise is at One15 Marina in Singapore and we will visit with her.  Also cruising friends Steve and Valerie Calpin will be there.  Steve is a full time cruiser who we have linked up with at several of our stops.  Valerie lives most of the year in their home in England but was in KK during our first visit there in July 2008.  Valerie and I had adventures and it will be nice to see her again while she is here to visit Steven.  Valerie joins him during the year and Steven goes home during the year.  Valerie isn’t ready to give up her part-time teaching job and be a full time cruiser so this works for them.  We also will be meeting up with an American pal, my University of Massachusetts sometimes roommate Eileen’s  husband George who is in Singapore for business.  While we’re not socializing, Randal will be looking for boat bits and I’ll be looking for book bargains!  I’m going back to my favorite Brash Basah complex and the bargain book stores to load up.  Randal and I will also go to the new bookstores because there are a few things I want to find: the new AS Byatt book and one about/by Florence Nightingale, and a drawing video.  We do splurge on books, not clothes or souvenirs. This morning during our trip to Sungei Rengit  I spent 20.70 ringits (about $6 US) on three sleeveless tops for me and 31 ringits (about $9 US) on two pairs of shorts for Randal.  These aren’t even designer label knockoffs, at least not my tops.  They are two pieces of print cloth sewn together and very simply finished at the hem, neck and armholes.  But they are cotton and get soft and are the best thing for hot weather.  Sadly, my absolutely favorite white cotton top that I have had at least 10 years finally fell to shreds.  I just noticed the hole today so had at least one extra wearing of it yesterday.   Sadly no patch can fix it: the material is just worn out.  But it had a good life. 

  I have some final photos from Miri.  We had eaten several times at the Zam Zam Islamic Restaurant and would always chat with the owner.  If I knew his name, sadly I don’t remember.  Maybe he will email and remind me!  I have mentioned him before in my email but hadn’t taken any photos.  The day we left, we stopped for lunch to say good-bye and he genuinely looked sad: like he was losing friends.  It made us sad too.  I hope he gets a chance to visit the US because he really does seem to like Americans.


Sometimes we ate roti canai and sometimes we ate the buffet.  They had the best rice, yellow and flavored and the eggplant and other veggies were really good.  Randal always ate rice and chicken and cucumber salad.


Our friend is Pakistani.  He looks to me like a Rabbi.  I think if you mixed all of the middle eastern people together with no label you wouldn’t know, by looking who came from where. 

Randal is wearing one of the bargain shirts he bought in Kota Kinabalu…very bold. 


Like most restaurants Zam Zam opened onto the street.  We parked our bikes right in front.  The woman in the pink top made the roti.  I discovered that I like my hot roti with sugar sprinkled on it.

So that’s it.  I probably won’t email again until we’re back from Singapore.  I’m trying to write an email about our AIS system which helps us identify exactly when and how near we will pass large ships.  We haven’t always had it and just relied on radar which works, but not as well.  I’ll have Randal “correct” it before I send it so I’m not making things up.

And since my nephew lives in Philadelphia I’m rooting for them to win the Series.  Our friend Carol lives in New York, but I just can’t see myself rooting for the Yankees.  Sorry Carol but I do send 2,200 hugs!

Arrived in Sebana Cove

Hi Everyone,

  Randal and I left Miri Marina at midnight on Wednesday.  We arrived here at Sebana Cove about 5:30 pm today, Monday.  It was a long tiring trip but though the first few days and nights were rough with “the wind on the nose” we have encountered worse weather in the past.   I’ll email more tomorrow.  Tonight I’m having to get my land legs back.



Hi Everyone,

  “The blow torch wasn’t cooking the pig leg!”  I should have let Randal read my email before I sent it instead of later. He guesses they were just burning off hair or, well, whatever they burn off.  But it wasn’t being cooked.  Randal grew up in the country where they grew/raised lots of their own food.  I grew up in the city with Stop & Shop and things that came wrapped and packaged or from cans.  Except fish which we bought fresh since we lived in New Bedford with its fishing industry. 

Sadly, the Red Sox did get cooked.  I’m still sad and probably will be till the Series is over and we can begin to look at next year though I’m sure the Sox front office has already started to do that.  RATS!!!

The weather is turning perfect here in Miri.  It was 78 degrees at 6 am this morning and the humidity has eased.  The seas are calming and we will be off before the end of the week. 



Our day in Miri

Hi Everyone,

  For the past several days the Mari Marina has been full of boats.  They came to participate in the Miri to Kota Kinabalu Race, The Borneo Challenge.  Many of the cruisers we’d met in our travels were taking part and it was nice to see them while they were here.  Randal and I are heading in the opposite direction so we didn’t go along.  It’s a pretty informal race where sailboats sail and/or motor depending on the conditions.  Early this morning we biked over to see the race begin at 8:30 am.    I thought 14 boats participated: Randal said 30.  It was somewhere in between. 


Randal wishing we were going too!


The thing I love about this photo is that except for my bike, it looks totally fake.  It looks as if paper boats are stuck onto the top of the water and the tree is iffy too. 

After the boats left Randal and I biked into Miri center to go to the Sunday morning market to get some fruit and veggies.


This is actually just outside the fish market. 

Randal had gone in to look around.  But we were really just looking: we have enough in our freezer for now.  There are always a few vendors selling some produce here but there are really two big public markets that we go to.  One is just across the road and we usually go there go get cabbage and carrots for my cabbage/carrot salad.  Today we biked to one a few blocks away.  Behind it discovered a pork and chicken market.  Randal asked if I had my camera.  You could see whole pork heads (they were no longer pigs) with the ears still on them. And then there were the hoofs and legs hanging there.  When someone wanted to buy some the vendor took out a blow torch and cooked? it.  It seemed as if every conceivable part of the pig was there for sale.  I told Randal that butchered animal photos weren’t very popular among our blog readers so I skipped it.  It really is almost enough to make one a vegetarian.  Though the concept of not wasting anything is good.  When we bought our pork from the stationwagon man in Sungei Rengit it was past looking like it had ever been part of a pig; it just looked like ready to be cooked food. 

Next we walked our bikes the block over to the Zam Zam Islamic Restaurant for a roti cani.  Randal had an egg roti with a side dish of curried dipping sauce garnished with small pieces of what tasted like a slightly curried version of my mother’s pot roast.  I just sprinkled sugar on my plain roti and it tasted kind of like funnel cake, Islamic style.  The owner of ZZIR is a young man who runs it with his uncle.  They are from Pakistan not far from the border with India.  We like them and they like us.  That’s the way it should be.  Another favorite restaurant is Pete’s Deli, a 15 minute walk from the marina.  There you can get chicken pot pie, hamburgers, macaroni and cheese, apple crisp and ice cream, banana chocolate chip muffins and yogurt that they make.  The owner and his son are Chinese.  We like them, they like us.  Lots of school kids go there for lunch since it’s just across from a huge middle and high school complex. 

We biked back to the boat with our veggies and some frozen chicken breast and meat from another small market we’d tried once before.  We hadn’t been on the boat long when Randal spied some young adult aged kids looking at the boat.  He invited them in for a tour.  Their dad, who worked for the Marine Department had come to the marina.


Emy 20 , Azreen 15,  Randal 61,  Arzliey 11,  Fetty 18

Emy had been to university in Kuching and worked trouble shooting problems with radio station transmissions.  Azreen was a cousin and is still in school.  Arzlie is also in school.  Fetty just finished high school and wasn’t sure what her plans will be.  I hope I have it all right. 

Now I’m working on this email and Randal is plotting our course through West Malaysia.  We have signed up to do the West Malaysia Rally which is run by the same people who did our East Malaysia. Even though the rally chooses the stops, cruisers have to get themselves from each stop with their own skill and knowledge. is the web site if you want to read ahead about it.  We had planned to go to most of the stops anyway so decided to just join on.  One of my favorite cruising friends Ken Jenkins from the boat Penache is also signed up for the rally.   Ken was actually parked next to us in Sebana Cove but it wasn’t until the East Malaysia rally that we really got to know him.  He’s cool. 

My Red Sox aren’t doing so well ( an understatement if there ever was one except that in the past they have come back from being even further behind!)  It certainly put me in a sad funk when they lost the second game.  Of course if you look at their pattern since 2004 they weren’t even supposed to make the playoffs this year.  2004 won the Series, 2005 got swept in the first round, 2006 didn’t make it at all, 2007 won the Series, 2008 lost in the second round ; so 2009 meant they weren’t even going to the playoffs.   But they are there and I WANT THEM TO WIN!!!!  

Now it’s time to make dinner.  Then we’ll read since the reception from our new TV dish isn’t so good.  Our neighbor boat said theirs wasn’t so good either.  Then we’ll go to sleep and start all over again tomorrow.

video clips

Hi Everyone,

  There are now some video clips posted on our website  that I took with my little camera not a video camera.  I am just learning how to do it so they aren’t great but do give the flavor of our travels just a bit.  There is also a slide show created by our friend Marie-Louise using photos that she and I took during her visit to us in Singapore.  She did a really good job of it.  One thing I will try to do is add more commentary when I create a video so you know more of what is happening.  The problem is getting them on our site.  I had to save them to a cd and mail them to Audrey our webmaster in Subic Bay.  Our connection was just too slow to send the clips by email.  Maybe that will all change but for now you can see what we have posted.

  We’ll be in Miri for about a week longer before we head back to Sebana Cove in West Malaysia.  This morning we have the Yankees-Twins game on ESPN on our new satellite TV.  Tomorrow it’s the Sox!  Go Sox!!!



We have TV !

Hi All,

  Randal and I now have television.  Randal and I now have a satellite dish which is why we finally have television.   Buying satellite service when you live on a boat and aren’t always in any one place very long had been impossible so far.  Here in Miri they seem to understand that even though cruisers move around, they are good customers who will maintain the service which subsidizes the real cost of the satellite dish hardware.  A cruiser here in the marina sent us to the shop he had used.  We biked there all excited and heard, “no have.”  “Never had.”  Hmm and RATS!  Then we biked over to our favorite hardware shop and asked their advice.  We were given the card of a satellite dish dealer and Randal called.  We also biked over to a second dish service storefront at the Mall.   They too were helpful but needed our passport to set up service.  We planned to return the next day but the first service called and that afternoon came to the boat to see us and set us up.  The next evening, Saturday, Peter and his wife Lena came with the dish to get us all connected. She had just come along to keep Peter company.   It took several hours of juggling wires and testing the best combination to get the best reception.  While Randal and Peter worked Lena and I talked.  Lena teaches piano and was very interesting to talk with.  At one point she had to drive home to feed their dog Lucky.  Finally everything was finished and they were able to go off for their Autumn Moon Festival celebration.  They were a lovely couple and it was more like making friends than having a satellite dish installed.  And now the Sox better win it all because we can get ESPN and they have the playoffs listed on the schedule.  We bought the Sports, Learning, and News channels.  We paid for a year’s service when we installed the dish so that’s all taken care of.  The total cost for the dish and 12 months service was $367 just about a dollar a day.  Hopefully we’ll be able to use the dish even outside Malaysia; Peter did say they were expanding their service but we will be in Malaysia through November anyway.


Peter and Lena

In December they will be going of to the US to visit LA, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam.  They are connected to Amway and the entire company of 700 people will be going!

They had been to the US before.  But Lena was saying that since 9/11 it is more difficult to get a VISA.  They had wanted to drive the short way to Brunei to get a visa there, but since they are Malaysians and Brunei is a different country they must go to Kuching in Malaysia instead.  That means a flight there and back and perhaps an overnight stay.  Too bad paperwork makes things so complicated.  We encounter paperwork too even changing from one city to another if they are in different provinces of Malaysia. 


We do take it down when we make a passage and it can only be used at a marina.   At anchor the boat moves too much which interferes with the reception.  Apparently according to the Astro literature, rain also interrupts reception. 



Miri weather

Hi Everyone,

  I received a few emails asking if the horrible weather in the Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia was effecting us.  No and Yes.  No, we are not being flooded and we are in safe marina.  But yes it has effected our travel plans a bit.  We can’t/won’t leave Miri for Sebana Cove until the waves calm down in the South China Sea.  Another super typhoon is supposed to hit the Philippines and that might cause us to have high winds even here in the marina.  During the last storm we did have strong enough winds that Randal put an extra line out to the dock to hold us steadier. The waves outside the marina that hit the beach next to us are pretty big: too big for us to want to mess with.  So we’ll stay here and wait it out. We knew the weather for crossing changes in mid-October so sort of factored it in.  For the most part our weather here is sunny and hot.   Yesterday cruiser friends came from Kota Kinabalu.  Their passage was bouncy but okay.  But just before they left the marina in KK had taken a hit. The fuel and pumpout station dock was uprooted and blown ashore and one boat broke lose so things did get a bit wild there.  Miri is a bit more protected with a spit of land between us and the sea.  We are supposed to be in The Land Below the Wind here in (Borneo) Malaysia after all.

  We have been thinking about our friends in the Philippines. Our friend and webmaster Audrey emailed that Olongapo had flooded very badly even weeks ago from heavy rains.  Our friend Carol who lives in Manila said her home in Manila was surviving the storm.  Yesterday I met a young man at the Miri Library who is from the Philippines.  He has come here to work as many Filipinos do because there is too little work in the Philippines.  He had studied to be a history teacher and was very articulate and sweet.  So was his K-9 dog Oscar.  (At least I think I have the dog’s name right.)  Chris’  family lives near the Philippines’ largest lake, Laguna de Bay 13 miles southeast of Manila.  He had called home and the family home had been flooded but they all seemed to be ok.  We certainly hope that all of our friends in the Philippines are safe and will continue to stay safe. 


Chris and Oscar.  Oscar is 7 years old and she is very calm.  Chris was working just outside the library and I stopped to talk because of the dog.  A very nice young man.


The library is the building in the back of the photo.  The small open-sided building on the right is where I met Chris and Oscar escaping the intense mid-day heat. 

It was school vacation and there were lots of students in the library sort of doing work but things were quiet because the computers were downstairs in a different room.  It was nice to see all of them actually and having all of those people in the room seemed to keep it from being as freezing as in my past visits.  On my way home I saw these two young boys taking advantage of one of the several pools that surround the library plaza area.  Can you see the hands making peace signs poking out of the water?  When the young boy surfaced he asked if I wanted to trade a ringgit for a dollar seeming to imply he’d give me the dollar though I’m sure he meant the other way around.  I told him that would be a bad deal since the dollar was worth more.  He knew he hadn’t a prayer I’d swap so he just smiled and waved as I walked away.  And come to think of it I only had ringits with me and no dollars which I do usually carry.  I really do like the library and spent 3 hours looking through art books, sketch books and books about Islamic law relating to women.  Wish I had a library card.  The collection isn’t large but it is very well thought out, up to date, “liberal” in its views and the books are in very good condition.  There is an older “circulating” public library about as far from where I am standing as the new library.  The plaza is sort of in the middle.  The old library is colder, noisier and they don’t let you bring in your back pack.  The art collection isn’t as good either though the staff is very friendly and helpful and very public library oriented.  The problem with both is that they are an hour walk from the boat.  If they were closer I’d go every day.  I walk because I’m not sure about leaving my bike though I think next time I will bike because there is a food stand just outside the door and a guard just inside the door so maybe my bike will be safe. 

So that’s it.  Thanks for thinking about us. 



Here in Miri

Hi All,

Randal and I are just really relaxing here in Miri.  We ride our bikes, read, I paint, Randal watches his Discovery DVDs and watches the late night shows on his computer the following morning while I follow the Red Sox.  Just a couple of retired people!  I have been to the library twice.  Randal is also spending lots of time doing boat chores and also researching where and when we’ll go to have the boat pulled and the bottom painted.  We’ve decided that we’d both like to stop in India on our way to the Med.

We’ve only been here in Miri for about 2 weeks but it feels like much longer.  I know my way around the city and can’t remember what it was like to feel unsure.  I know the library and the bookstore and where to buy enough fresh veggies to keep me happy.  There are large supermarkets too when we need them.

The local people are very friendly.  During Hari Raya Muslims go to the cemetery to honor the dead.  We were biking past and slowed to let a group cross the road.  They said a quiet hello.  I said Salamat Hari Raya!  Then they all smiled and gave us a huge hello.  I think they appreciated that I had acknowledged their holiday.  We have found great apple crisp and ice cream, chicken pot pie, macaroni and cheese, homemade banana muffins and yogurt all at Pete’s Deli just up the road from the marina.  Pete’s Chinese!  The longer we stay the more we discover that we like.

I’ve written a story about having some pillow covers made here in Miri.  It’s just typical of the cruising life although it is amazing the number of cruising women who have sewing machines.  I wouldn’t mind having one.  Maybe one day.



Red Pillows

Ever since we left China I’ve wanted to replace the pillow covers on the 3 small pillows we keep on the settee in the saloon. (In landlubber terms the pillows are on the built in couch in the living room. I didn’t grow up with anything called a settee or a saloon so they’re just not terms I would choose without feeling that I had to explain what I meant requiring an entire paragraph practically.)

Anyway, the Chinese pillows were bought in a mini-mart store just across the way from where Bill and Stella had their lovely condo in Baijiao. We were waiting for Stella to meet us at the car. Sorry Bill, but I never liked the material, the pattern, the colors or the tassels that started falling off immediately. We lived with those spur of the moment purchases for two years until we got to Kuching during Sail Malaysia. I didn’t love the ones I bought there; I just liked them more than what we had and they looked better in the store…. I had tried to buy some in the Noor Arfa batik shop in Terengganu but they had none and neither did the public market cloth shops. Since the time we had left China I hadn’t seen pillow covers anywhere when I actually took the time to look. What I had seen was a long red, gold, green and blue skirt with an elephant and Indian motif while I was wandering through Chinatown in Singapore. Had to have it even though the elastic waistband was sized for tiny Asian people. I just really liked the material. Something about red and elephants made it irresistible to me as I was in my elephant phase. Well, I never wore the skirt; waist too tight, skirt too long and the occasion never arose.

While in Terengganu I told Ruth from Icicle One about the skirt. She said the waist band could come off and be replaced. So impulsively I took out a scissors and picked out the stitches and took out the waistband and that was the end of that skirt. Oh well. I put it with the sari cloth and the other sarong cloth we had been given and hoped someday to find someone somewhere to make me pillow covers.

Several days ago Randal and I went out looking for the second book store in Miri. We never found it but we did find a huge shop that sold fabrics, yarn, notions, and even a few paint brushes. I noticed that they had women sewing too. So Thursday, when the library had reopened after Hari Raya, I took one “Chinese pillow cover,” the long, now useless skirt, and I went back to the shop which was on the way to the library. Luckily Annabel Aurelia was there. Not only did she speak English, she spoke pillow and knew exactly what was needed to transform my no longer wearable red skirt into 3 pillow covers. Annabel has a hearing problem so we had to write to each other. Annabel reads and writes Bahasa Malaysia, she reads and writes English and she signs and I think she also might have been reading my lips. Pretty accomplished. She measured but found there wasn’t enough skirt material for front and back so took me to the shelves of fabric. She instantly picked out the perfect fabric though I had to keep looking before I saw she was right. Then she picked out the perfect zippers to match. She just really knew what she was doing.

Randal and I rode back today to get them and I really like them a lot. The shop was busy so I only had time to get the covers, say thank you and take a quick one chance only photo of Annabel. And I gave her one of our flag bandannas too.

In US dollars each cover cost about $3.60. I certainly think I got great value for my money. Can’t remember what I paid for the skirt in Singapore but it couldn’t have been very much or I wouldn’t have bought it.


Pillows front and back.

You can see the elephants on the bottom and the red. Can you imagine this as a floor length skirt? Interesting fashion statement I’d have been making since though the waist was small it billowed out around my hips making me rather giant. But I really like the material.


They add a bit of color to our tan and teak.

Annabel made sure the same pattern of the skirt was used on all of the pillows.


Annabel Aurelia in the shop where she works.

Miri Library

Hi All,

  We are enjoying our time in Miri.Two days ago Randal and I got out our bikes and did a really long 15 mile ride.  It felt long anyway with the 90 degree temperature and 90% humidity.  And there were two hills too!   We rode along the coast highway, but the view was blocked by several zillion dollar mansions.  We took a detour to go to a more modest neighborhood near the airport which advertised a show house. It wasn’t opened so we gave ourselves a brief tour of the one being built next door.   We rode back to the coast road and turned into a small beach park area.  After a short rest we biked back toward town stopping to eat way too much fried rice and noodle soup. 

  Yesterday I went off to the Miri Public library.  Here’s the story…..

Miri Public Library; you can only get there by walking!
Our first visit to Miri was at the end of July for part of Sail Malaysia.  During that visit Randal and I rode our bikes to the Public Library.  It is new and quite impressive and they had several watercolor books that interested me.  They even had an art exhibit of local artists on display.  Yesterday I decided to go back for another visit.  Randal was doing a boat project with the alternator and battery charging system that necessitated running the engine for 2 hours.  I decided to “leave the premises.” 
The library is a fairly good distance from the marina so I decided to attempt the Miri bus system.  There is no printed schedule on the Internet, but the local bakery ladies told me that the bus ran every 20  minutes or so.   You watch the bus go by in the opposite direction and 20 minutes later it will be back at the stop in front of the bakery.    I packed up my backpack, kissed Randal good-bye and walked the 10 minutes over to the main road where the bakery and several small shops and restaurants are located.  It was 10:30: I sat down to wait for the bus.  There was a young man waiting also so I confirmed with him that I was indeed at the right place.  I had brought a book with me; but instead of reading I spent the next 25 minutes picking briars out of the bottom part of my skirt.  I have no idea how they came to be there but they were itchy.  Luckily they were just on the bottom part and only scratchy on my legs.  I got most of them out by the time the bus came at 10:55.  The driver was very helpful even calling the money dollars rather than ringgits.  It cost 1 ringgit to take the bus into town to the local bus terminal.  At the terminal the driver kindly walked me over to where bus 42 was parked; the bus that would get me closest to the library.  He then took me back over to the tiny terminal building where the schedules are posted and we saw that bus 42 wouldn’t leave for another 45 minutes!  A taxi driver asked if I wanted to take a taxi and I said no.  Then I asked the bus driver how much a taxi would cost.  He said about 5 ringgits which is less than $2.  But I decided to walk thinking it wasn’t so far. Also, I would know my way back since finding a return taxi at the Library would be impossible.   And it wasn’t so far; maybe a half hours walks.  I had to ask along the way since I’m not great with maps.  But it actually was quite simple other than crossing the really busy double lane wrong way traffic.  At one point I found myself at a bus stop as a bus came along.  I waited my turn to get on and asked if the bus would get me anywhere near the library.  The driver said, “No, Wait for bus 42.”  I continued walking, saw a taxi coming along and tried to flag it down.  No luck.  The weather was getting very overcast very quickly so I was getting concerned.  But after one more giant complicated major intersection I came to the street where the library was located.  As it turns out there are two libraries and I got to the “wrong one” first.  Another 5 minute walk and I was at my intended library with the watercolor collection I had come to see.  And most importantly, just outside the library, a small food stall.  I had a cold soybean milk drink and then went inside.  It was about noon and 10 minutes later it was pouring!
I sent the next 2 and a half hours there looking at several watercolor books and still there are more books I’d like to see.  And I didn’t explore their magazine collection.  So I will go back. 
I left the library and walked back to the town center and then back to the marina.  Along the way I stopped at a fruit stall to buy some crisp apples.  Though I was hungry I wasn’t the least bit tempted to eat an unwashed apple.  I did find a bag of lightly sweetened caramel popcorn at a house wares store.  The popcorn was in a display at the front of the shop.  That made a great lunch and got me the rest of the way back to the marina.  It was hot but I did have a bottle of water and there was no second choice but to keep walking. 
I had left the library at 2:45 and got back to the marina about 4 pm.  That included stopping to browse the Miri Handicraft Center, buy the apples , buy the popcorn and cross several busy streets.  It had taken me from about 10:20 am when I left the boat until about 11:45 to get myself “by bus” to the library.  It took me just about the same amount of time to walk back.  It really is a shame that it is so difficult to get to the library using public transportation: not for me, but for the locals. 

When we were here in July I wrote an email that included photos of the library.  These are photos of the landscaping around the library.  I had to pass this way walking from the first library to the second new library.  Miri means seahorse so you see lots of seahorse sculptures like in Kuching you saw cats.  Kuching means cat.

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Catching Up

Hi All,

  Randal and I left KK on September 2nd and arrived in Labuan on September 4th.  We stayed in Labuan several days longer than planned waiting for better cruising weather.  Because of that we were able to have several lovely evenings with Elisabeth and Patrick our friends on LaBarque who also happened to be in Labuan.  ( Elizabeth and Ruth from Icicle One and I had gone off looking at local handicrafts in Terengganu and Santubong. )  We took turns making dinner and watching movies.  They had Charlie Wilson’s War and Good Morning Vietnam.  We hadn’t seen either so it was dinner and a movie.  The food was good, the movies were good and the company was great.  One of the best parts of cruising are the people you meet along the way.

   We are now in Miri Marina and will remain here until October 1st if the marina has room.  There is a race that starts here October 9th so the marina will fill up with boats that are going to participate.  We don’t have the time or really the interest to participate since it takes you back to KK and we are going the opposite direction.

  We are already familiar with Miri because it was our next to last stop of Sail Malaysia.  We will get out our bikes and make the round of marine hardware shops and vegetable stalls at the wet market.  There is a nice new library here too which we visited briefly our last visit.  I might even figure out how to get there by bus.

  The attachment is the next to last one about Sandakan which seems so long ago at this point. 



Sandakan Today….

Sandakan is unique and also typically Malaysian. Many of these photos will look just like those I’ve taken in Sebana Cove, or Kota Kinabalu. Ultimately it’s our interaction with the local people that attracts us to Malaysia. They have been friendly and helpful everywhere we go. Sandakan was the same.

Sandakan has a new “wet market” where you can buy almost anything “fresh” you want eat. And if you need some simple, inexpensive colorful clothes, go upstairs and you’ll find rows of stalls selling the colorful tops, wraps, and dresses I started buying back in the Philippines. But Randal and I were just being tourists and not shoppers so all I left with were photos.


Bushels of watermelon.


Of course, lots of fresh fish though; fresh chicken was for sale in the market.


Still Life with Fish. The red fish just caught my eye and it’s easier to see in a large photo.

Randal and I went to the library in Sandakan. We went twice; the first time just to see it and the second time to read magazines and look at art books and fill time. Not a bad collection of books and a quite good selection of magazines including “Foreign Affairs, the Economist, Newsweek; “women’s magazines, sports, something for everyone just like US libraries. They had magazines in all of the three languages spoken in Sandakan; Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and English.


It’s a fairly large building with parking under-the-building parking area.


They had books, magazines, computers, DVDs…. While we were in Sandakan one of the local news papers printed an article about the high cost of books and how readers were worried about having a continuous supply. Comments faulted the library for being too far from the center of town and not having enough of the popular titles so the wait was too long. Randal and I could walk to the library from the city center; but it was at least a 20 minute walk for us and we walk fast. There seemed to be a bus if you knew how to use it but that also costs money for the locals. Wish they had built the library in the town center though it looks to be close to several schools. I guess they save the land in town center for what is always perceived as “profit making enterprises.” I was disappointed in the collection concerning Agnes Keith. When I asked about it, the reference person took me to a locked room and showed me copies of Keith’s books. She pointed to the books and that’s about it and then left me to search around. I wanted an overflowing vertical file folder with clippings and old photos like we had at the RCPL so I could read about her time in Sandakan. I didn’t stay long, not much inspired by what I saw; maybe I just really wasn’t in the mood.

I left local history and went to the watercolor section and learned a few things. The library reminded me of the Public Lending library in Kota Kinabalu. (KK has a newer library just for reference which I visited during our first trip to KK.) The library in Terengganu was new but had fewer books. These libraries get used. You never see them empty. There are always a good number of people reading magazines or students doing work. It’s nice to see. The Sandakan newspaper also ran an article discussing whether the government should censor the Internet. Readers responded and most were the same arguments we hear at home concerning kids and their access to porn. At least they were discussing it and allowing diverse opinions. I was disappointed that the one from someone signing herself as a librarian was mostly concerned about access to Facebook. Good grief: that’s definitely not the most important internet access issue for sure! Having said that, in a world where people don’t travel so much, Facebook could be a way to see and interact with a wider group of people and ideas. And almost everyone at home now is on Facebook as a way to communicate with family and friends. It will be interesting to see what happens here in Malaysia with Internet access.

The library was just next to a wharf area of fishing boats. We walked over but hesitated to go into the gated area. The fisherman saw us and waved us in so we went.

clip_image012Many of the men loved having their photo taken. They call hello and ask “where are you from?” They’re always pleased to hear we’re from the U.S.


Scenes from the fishing wharf. The huge lights are used for night fishing and make night cruising interesting. Our radar is set with a 3 mile radius and these lights can be seen from much further away. So you see lights but nothing on the radar.

I’ll send one more Sandakan email: showing the local kids.