Sabang 2

Hi Everyone,

  After I left the boys I scrounged around a bit looking for sea glass. Then I walked on further down the beach planning to look into the little shops along the way.  There are a few and lots of bars and restaurants.

clip_image001  A matchbook with Jose Rizal’s photo.  I found it on the beach

clip_image002  A woman going off to sell her fruit.

clip_image003 Local bar.  This is the narrow street that parallels the beach front.

There are lots of characters here one could imagine as pirates; all of them westerners, most Europeans one could imagine as part of Jack Sparrow’s motley crew.

clip_image004  I heard someone calling my name and looked up.  Randal was hanging out waiting for his “Classic Club” buddies to show up.  This was one pre-lunch hangout place.  I finished Randal’s diet coke and then went off alone so no one would see us together and make Randal pay for a round of drinks.  Wives were “so not allowed” at this event.   The club has been meeting for over 10 years, every Thursday, and I had no desire to challenge history.

clip_image005  Another colorful bar along the beach.  One gets thirsty at the beach!

clip_image006  This place is empty here, but by noon it would be full of “Classic Club? members.

clip_image007  And here it is again starting to fill up.  Randal is wearing his green backpack.  Nick is there as well as JR who lives on the boat 2 down from us in Subic (talking to Randal.)  JR and Heidi were visiting Nick for the holidays.  Chris is another new friend we made.  He is in the green hat. Chris and Marlene live in Romblon but were in PG on their sailboat for the holidays.  Randal enjoys talking boats and cruising with this group. 

Guess there will have to be a part 3