sabang 3

I really did take lots of photos!

clip_image001  I am sitting at the small restaurant just out of the photo.  The men you see walking in the distance in the black and white shirts are off to attend the Classic Club!  There are club shirts members must wear, but there are a variety of styles and either black or white.  This is the swimming beach on the other side of the point. 

clip_image002  My little table.  I had an onion, tomato, cheese omelet and toast with mango jam!  I had brought a book, but never opened it.  I was actually filling in time while the thread lady wove my necklace.  I can’t believe I have no photo of her!

clip_image003  Following these guys was a family of 4.  These guys were hired to carry their stuff from the banca that had delivered them probably from Puerto Galera or from the ferry from Batangas.  The only road into town is back at the end of Sabang.  Nick has to park his car there and walk half the beach to his condo at Portofino. 

clip_image004 I made the mistake of telling the fruit seller in white, “maybe later,” when she had asked me to buy some fruit.  Well this was later and she said, it was later, and that I had said I would buy fruit later.  So….I bought bananas.  She said, “what about buying some fruit from my friend?”  I said, ” I didn’t even want the bananas!”  But I did use them to make really good banana, mango, walnut bread that Chris from Romblon especially loved. 

clip_image005  Leaving Sabang.  A resort built to look like a castle.